October 17, 2010


Heewo errbody!

I thought I'd introduce myself! My name is Arwen, I am a pure bred American Pit Bull Terrier. I am 10.5 months old. I'm a "pocket pittie" my mom says. I am a wittle bit chunky at just over 40 pounds, ma says I should be 35 pounds. I wuv dogs, cats, wittle furry critters, etc. I like kids and stranger adults, it just takes a wittle time for me ta warm up to dem. Mommy says it's because of my accident, I was on cage rest for 6-ish weeks when I was just barely 3 months old...ma said dat really messed wif my socialization...so we work hard day in and day out and I am doin' so good!

Mom is planning on taking me to a CGC test on October 30th. CGC is "Canine Good Citizen," dats where dese strange people test all kinds of dogs for normal erryday situations, like brushing, a neutral dog, and noise distractions. If I pass, I get a cool certificate, and den mommy is gonna try therapy wif me!! Den I could go to libraries, and schools, and hospitals!

I am fed a biologically appropriate prey model raw diet. I only eat raw meat, bones, and organs.

I plan on blogging about all kinds of things dog, nutrition, training, etc related. Normal erryday life, things dat happen in da community, etc.

It's nap time so I hope erryone has a good night!

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