November 9, 2010

Canine Caviar - Buffaroos

Mommy wuvs to walk me to dis pet store dat we gots down da road, I wuvs it too! Mommy weighs me (I iz on a diet) and then I get a chew! Lately I have been getting "Buffaroos!" I wuv Buffaroos! Mommy isn't quite sure what dey are dou...she's leaning towards Buafflo trachea...but I don't care, dey are so nummies!

Ugh, MOM! Stop teasing me!

Just gimme!
Almost done, yum!
Gotta get every last morsel...even the taste from me paws!

Arwen's Seal of Approval!

"Canine Caviar Buffaroos are the ultimate dog treat.

Product Features:

Extra meaty to give your dogs a long-lasting, satisfying chewie - helping to reduce tarter and maintain your dogs teeth and gums.

Made exclusively from free range, grass fed buffalo.

Hormone and antibiotic free.

Buffalo is the eco friendly red meat.

They grow twice as fast as cows and emit less methane gas.

Buffalo is higher in Omega 3 than beef, while also being up to 90% lower in fat.

Also much lower in cholesterol and sodium.

Buffalo graze on open grassland and natural grass."

October 31, 2010

Happy Howl-oween!

What are you doing today? Are the fur-kids involved?

I hope everyone decorated their houses, carved pumpkins, bought candy, and are dressing up! Halloween is my favorite holiday, but unfortunately I am unable to get involved this year. Limited funds prevented decorating, buying pumpkins, candy, and costumes. Next year...I hope to go all out =)

I wanted to remind everyone about safety. Halloween brings unusual safety hazards that you don't see normally.

-People are often dressed in all dark colors, or at least a lot of them...that makes it harder for people driving cars to see them. If you're driving tonight, please keep your eyes peeled and drive a bit slower in residential areas.
-People also have masks on that can and will interfere with their vision and they might not see you! Follow above safety.
-Doors are being opened and opened and opened, cats and dogs and even small children can escape out of the doors...they aren't watching where they are going. Again follow safety from #1.
-Candy. Juvenile diabetes is becoming more wide spread these days, if your child is diabetic, please please PLEASE monitor the candy intake and their levels! Also, please make sure to check all of your kids candy to make sure there is nothing they are allergic to, aren't allowed to have, or even something dangerous.
-Most important, parents, please go out with your children! At least up to the age of 10 or 13 or so, hang back, let them have fun, but keep an eye on them, they are a lot of creepy people that come out at Halloween, not to mention peer pressure to do stupid, sometimes illegal things from their friends.

Second most important...HAVE FUN!

October 26, 2010

Free/Cheap Meat

When you feed a raw're often pretty crazy for free or cheap meat. How far would you take that?

Free/cheap meat isn't easy to come by here in SE Wisconsin, there are plenty of hunters...but it's a matter of getting them to give you their freezer burnt meat and scraps! A lot are flaky, some just forget and don't care...other's are only here and there. So when a friend of mine said her butcher was looking for people to come get a bunch of FREE venison once gun season starts...I started thinking about it. Hartford, WI to St Louis, MO...6-7 hours of driving one way, $100 in gas...but we're talking 100, 200, 300, 400 pounds of FREE venison!

We're doing it! Mid November we're taking a road trip for free meat! Which will in turn, turn out to be CHEAP meat if you factor in the gas for the trip! We're just working out a few wrinkles!

Arwen is excited!

October 22, 2010

National Pit Bull Awarness Day

In the midst of continuing Breed Specific Legislation (BSL), it's time for responsible Pit Bull Owners to take a stand. Let's band together and show the world how wonderful this breed is. 

Pit Bulls are not the problem. Bad Owners are the problem. And we are the solution...."

As a lot of you know, I live wif my mommy and daddy in Wisconsin...I can not make it across the United States in one day to celebrate wif all of you. =( Instead, I want to share about what I CAN, and will, be doing on Saturday!

"Pitty Palooza will be a wonderful day for Pit Bulls in WI and a great opportunity for average people to get past their fears and misconceptions!

A great walk in the morning!  A Parade of Pits!

Dozens of vendors and demonstrations in the afternoon will make this day one to remember for everyone attending! "

That's right, I get to celebrate wif my mommy and daddy and a bunch of oder pitties for a parade! I'm not allowed at da actual Pitty Palooza, but I get to go to da parade dat morning! We're walking down a busy road, so hopefully we'll get tons of interest!

Den I get to go home and rest while mommy and daddy go to Pitty Palooza and look around and take tons of pictures for me! Well...and you of course =) Never fear, mommy is a camera machine, there are always pictures to go around!
If you are not in Wisconsin but would love to attend an event for Pit Bull Awareness Day, please check in your area, I bet you'll find something! If you are in Wisconsin, I beg you to come and spend some time with all the other pit bull lovers in your area! 

Registration for the Luv-A-Bully March will start at 9:00am and the parade will begin promptly at 9:30am. $10.00 donation (registration) per dog. Wisconsin Ave Park - 10300 W. Wisconsin Ave. Please only BREED AMBASSADORS for the march! "What is a Breed Ambassador? Basically, its a well-behaved dog, non reactive to other dogs and people. These dogs walk well on a leash among others and are not lunging, barking, growling or pulling excessively towards those around them."

For more details and information about the Pitty Palooza and the Luv-A-Bully March in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on October 23, 2010 please read this website thoroughly!

October 17, 2010


Heewo errbody!

I thought I'd introduce myself! My name is Arwen, I am a pure bred American Pit Bull Terrier. I am 10.5 months old. I'm a "pocket pittie" my mom says. I am a wittle bit chunky at just over 40 pounds, ma says I should be 35 pounds. I wuv dogs, cats, wittle furry critters, etc. I like kids and stranger adults, it just takes a wittle time for me ta warm up to dem. Mommy says it's because of my accident, I was on cage rest for 6-ish weeks when I was just barely 3 months said dat really messed wif my we work hard day in and day out and I am doin' so good!

Mom is planning on taking me to a CGC test on October 30th. CGC is "Canine Good Citizen," dats where dese strange people test all kinds of dogs for normal erryday situations, like brushing, a neutral dog, and noise distractions. If I pass, I get a cool certificate, and den mommy is gonna try therapy wif me!! Den I could go to libraries, and schools, and hospitals!

I am fed a biologically appropriate prey model raw diet. I only eat raw meat, bones, and organs.

I plan on blogging about all kinds of things dog, nutrition, training, etc related. Normal erryday life, things dat happen in da community, etc.

It's nap time so I hope erryone has a good night!